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Landing/Bridge Page Design & Development

Having Effective Landing Pages and Bridge Pages can mean the difference between success and failure

  • 1 hour
  • 400 US dollars
  • Tele-Conference Phone Consultation

Session Description

Landing pages are used to generate leads or sales. At the same time, a bridge page is often used to warm up and presell the traffic before sending them to a sales page. Landing Pages are essentially designed and implemented to provide the following essential purposes. Capture lead information that you can use to market to people in the future, for example, Name, Email addresses, Phone numbers, etc., encourage potential customers to make a purchase, and build brand awareness by educating people with video or written content, so they recognize your brand and may come back in the future. Bridge Pages essentially warm up your traffic, presell the offer so that they are more likely to buy your affiliate product, connect with your visitors and build trust, and close the gap between the prospect and the product you are trying to sell. Knowing how and when to use these types of powerful marketing tools is where we come in. Not only will we design and develop these pages for you but we know all the implementation tricks to get them noticed, get your visitors taking action, and ultimately get you the highly responsive results that these pages have the capacity to yield. Priced per Page Created.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please call us at (561) 856-0986, 24hrs in advance of your appointment time. We will be happy to reschedule you for a different time. We thank you for your consideration.

Contact Details

(786) 419 2258

Suite 100 3225 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas, NV, USA

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